Coin Magnifier

Permanent exhibit:
at Eggenberg Palace Coin Cabinet, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz [website]

The treasures of the Eggenberg Palace Coin Cabinet are multimedia-based tangible while looking through the interactive magnifiers.


The Coin Cabinet of the Universalmuseum Joanneum in the Eggenberg Palace stores more than 70.000 coins and ducats. In almost 500 years old rooms, unique treasures are restaged with multimedia. Visitors are able to gain detailed insights into the artful exhibits in by using magnifiers along the cabinet. The coins aren’t just only augmented through the magnifiers, they start to tell their own history. These stories are visualized with monitors alongside the cabinet.


With the help of RFID technology inside the magnifier and under the coins it is possible to give response for single coins. The custom produced magnifiers allow the optical augmentation and the digital recognition of coins.

Permanet exhibition – Natural History Museum

Permanent exhibition

atNatural History Museum, Joanneumsviertel, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria [2013|03 – ongoing]

We created 20 exhibits for the permanent exhibition of the Natural History museum, which was opened 2013, in cooperation with Graz Children’s Museum Frida & freD, and the Universalmuseum Joanneum.

One pivotal point for exhibitions with many multimedia exhibits is the ability to monitor and control all the exhibits from a central point. For this purpose, we developed a scalable client-server software solution, called xCocos. You can find more about this system in the section “xCocos Server“.

Like the permanent exhibition at the Natural History museum, exhibitions can consist of various exhibits with different technologies. With an especially developed framework for the permanent exhibition, single exhibitions can be created in a consistent way. With the development of numerous multimedia exhibits and our monitoring and controlling software we can offer in-a-box solutions.

In the following you find some of the exhibits of the permanent exhibition:

The company Ansperger constructed and built various mechanical exhibits for the Natural History Museum in Graz. We created seventeen computer exhibits to explain the different work benches with pictures, audio and video. Several technologies were applied to achieve this aim, such as RFID, microcontrollers, etc.

The Elevation Model of Styria at the Natural History Museum Joanneum Quarter three-dimensionally shows Styria on a scale of 1:37,500 with a size of 6 x 6 meters. This historical elevation model has been extended by a multimedia orchestration for the permanent exhibition of the Natural History Museum, in cooperation with Graz Children’s Museum Frida & freD, and the Universalmuseum Joanneum.

The production contrasts the history of the relief with current geographic techniques, in particular the geographic information system (GIS), a computer system to store various geographical data. GIS data of Styria is directly visualized on the historical elevation model.

Mushrooms: Networks of Nature

Special exhibition
at Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria [2013|05]

The exhibition „Mushrooms: networks of nature“ shows a widespread overview of the species diversity of mushrooms and their central role of the ecosystem.


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Nature in Human Hands?

Travelling exhibition
at Natural History Museum, Joanneumsviertel, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria [2016|10 – 2018|01] [Website]
at Passail, Autria [2018|04 – 2018|10]

at Neumarkt, Autria [since 2019|04]

The exhibition „Natur in human hands?“ was developed in cooperation with Naturparke Steiermark and the Universalmuseum Joanneum. The DMT team implemented eight interactive exhibits, for example:

  • Sand table: Visitors can create their own cultural landscape with sand. The elevation model of the sand is scanned with a Kinect depth sensor and the sand is colored according to its height.
  • Rowboat: Endangered species can be saved through steady rows on a boat.
  • Toad talk: Visitors can take part in a toad concert.
  • Nature protection: This station explains the tools of nature protection.
  • Nature imparting: Here we ask for the visitors’ knowledge about nature protection


Temorary exhibit [2014|03 – 2014|08]
Exhibition: Aberglauben – Aberwissen
Standort: Folk Life Museum Joanneum [Website]

In the context of the exhibition “Aberglauben – Aberwissen” of the Folk Life Museum Joanneum, the DMT team developed a station in order to collect people’s mojos.
Visitors of the exhibition bring their personal mojo along, take a picture and tell their story. 


Travelling exhibition
Natural History Museum, Joanneumsviertel, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria [2017|05 – 2018|01] [Website]

The DMT team has developed two interactive exhibits for the exhibition “SEXperts” in the Natural History Museum Joanneum. At “Finding pairs” visitors search for the perfect mate of animals and plants. The “Sexperts Quiz” inquires the acquired knowledge about the exhibition.

CoSA – Center of Science Activities

For the CoSA – Center on Science Activities in the Natural History Museum Joanneum in Graz, the DMT team has developed 13 interactive stations with the support of two master students of the Information Management course. The stations are divided into two subject areas – energy and technology. You can assemble a car in the technical room and then take a test drive. Using RFID technology, you can collect points in the energy room and have your energy consumption displayed at the end of the exhibition.

360 degree panorama pictures

Engineering room - tests

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Ready? Go!

Temporary Exhibition Natural History Museum, Joanneum Quarter, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria [2021|03 – 2021|11]

An exhibition by TECHNOSEUM Mannheim Adapted and implemented by FRida & freD – The Graz Children’s Museum. The exhibition was presented as part of LET’S GO GRAZ 2021, the sports year of the city of Graz, in cooperation with CoSA – Center of Science Activities.

For the sports exhibition at CoSA – Center on Science Activities at the Natural History Museum Joanneum in Graz, the DMT team developed 6 interactive stations with the support of two master’s students from the Information Management program.

  1. Handbike (Microcontroller, sensors, special interface)
    Racing with handbikes
  2. Sports reporter (audio recording, video player)
    Commenting on famous moments in Austrian sports
  3. Historical images (greenscreen, keying, QR code, photo selfie, video player)
    At this station, you can take a photo of yourself in historical clothing and save the photo on your smartphone using a QR code.
  4. Finger sports summer and winter (video recording, video selfie, QR code)
    At these two stations, you can record videos of yourself and save them on your smartphone using a QR code.
  5. Finish line (microcontroller, light barrier, photo selfie, QR code)
    At the finish line, an automatic finish photo is taken, which can be transferred to a smartphone using a QR code

House of Biodiversity Herberstein

The House of Biodiversity was opened in the course of the exhibition Show Styria in Heberstein. The DMT team developed 14 interactive stations with the help of a student assistent.

Sand Table

Visitors can shape different landscapes using kinetic sand. A layered model (with five colors) is projected onto the sand using Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). Based on the terrain model, biodiversity is calculated and displayed on an RGB LED scale. Depending on the level of biodiversity (five levels in total), different bird species are represented above the landscape.

Interactive Globe

Visitors have the opportunity to interact with a globe using hand gestures (Ultraleap technology). Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) is used to project onto a hemisphere. Seven buttons allow visitors to choose different globe visualizations.

VirNat 3D

Visitors can explore 3D models (depicting beetles) on a screen by performing a grasping motion (detected by Ultraleap). The 3D model is always positioned in the hand (similar to real grasping). When virtually releasing the beetle, its current rotation and position are retained. Visitors can select one of seven 3D models using buttons.

Identification Game Evaluation

Visitors can fill out various evaluation sheets (seven different sheets available in German or English). These sheets are scanned at a PC station, and visitors receive video feedback (with detailed information) indicating whether their answers are correct or not.