Salon Stolz

For the newly opened “Salon Stolz” museum at the Robert Stolz Senior Residence in Graz, the DMT team, with the help of three master students, has developed six exhibits.

Composer Machine

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VR Conductor

Using a VR headset, visitors can virtually conduct an orchestra in 3D using hand gestures. The 360-degree video and spatial sound are controlled by the speed of conducting.

Melody Memory

Visitors can play a sound memory game using RFID cards. When matching card pairs are found, a “success sound” is played, and visitors can remove the cards from the table.

Sound Backdrop

There are 12 sound cards with RFID tags. Visitors can choose between two game modes (selectable via buttons).

  • Game Mode 1: The sounds of the 12 cards are played sequentially.
  • Game Mode 2: The sounds of the cards are played simultaneously (sound backdrop).

Instrument Cubes

Visitors must correctly place six cubes to reveal a video of a musical instrument.

Composer Machine

Visitors can place various objects on a turntable. Through sensors at 5 sensor points, the objects are detected, and a corresponding sound file is played upon detection.


While a video is playing, seven musical instruments move up and down in sync with the music.

Video Player

Two video player stations with a Robert Stolz documentary.

Exhibit Locations

Our Exhibits delight international audience in many countries. In most cases they are part of traveling exhibitions in the area of Europe. But also children in Trinidad Tobago interacted with our exhibits.

The Human

atHouse of Science, Graz, Austria [2011|01 – 2012|05]

The exhibition „The Human“ communicates multimedia-based all facets of the human body and mind. Children, teenagers and adults dip into the interactive wonderland and go on a journey to their marrow. The special field DMT developed various multimedia-based, interactive exhibition to the topic “The Human”:

Mission Blood

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Students learn with Mission Blood the function of the human blood circulation and its tasks.

discover IT

at Medienkunstlabor, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria [2007|05]

Students of the Institute of Information Management realized creative and interactive multimedia projects for the exhibition “discover IT”. The exhibits from the special field DMT were exposed from 24th till 27th May 2007 at the Kunsthaus Graz.

From a visual drum session with sound cubes, a laser harp without strings to a magic book, which allows readers to leaf through human organs – the visitors of the exhibition “discoverIT” were enticed into a virtual world. The theme “touch, explore, discover – become one with the exhibits” invites visitors to row through the human body or to draw music. Moreover, visitors were able to send love letters via SMS on the biggest screen of the city, the BIX Wall of the Kunsthaus Graz.

Visual Drum Session
The Visual Drum Session allows to play drums by placing cubes on a grid. Every field represents a stroke, with is automatically repeated after a certain time. Through placing of different cubes users are able to create a fantastic drum session.

Laser harp
The laser harp combines the timeless appearance of a classy and noble instrument with modern technology. The harp allows to create sounds in C-major with the help of the connected computer. Instead of strings the harp uses a light barrier to sound music.

The project „TimeShift“ opens up a window to the past. You are able to observer what has happen in the past at the same place. Maybe you will meet an old and a younger version of yourself. As soon as you enter “TimeShift” you will be a part of it and everything you do will be preserved for ensuing ages.

Ready to Row
Ready to Row allows to row through a male body. Another, less explorative row adventure leads through the streets of Graz, of course in proper style and backwards.

Tempora Dinumerans
The project Tempora Dinumerans shows the connection between space and time by manipulating space with the help of time (a clock). Visitors are able to dip into the world of space and time and to choose the speed, with which they want to experience the reality.

My Inner Body
The „My Inner Body“ book describes a new method to learn from books. The MIB book is an application developed for children, which guides through the human alimentary tract. The MIB book shows 3 dimensional organs directly on the book pages with the help of augmented reality technology. The exhibit was presented in the exhibition “discoverIT” as well as in the exhibition “The Human” at the House of Science in Graz.

area|m is an extraordinary, multimedia-based fitment, which inspires visitors. Various games make the stay remarkable, unique and entertaining. Depending on the application different graphics are projected on the table plate. By touching the surface or placing objects on the plate different reactions are triggered.

SMS to BIX enables pedestrians to directly interact with the BIX Wall of the Kunsthaus in Graz and allows to create the content, which is shown on the BIX Wall. Pedestrians are able to send greeting or to post a personal statement on a display, which normally isn’t manipulable.

MPC – Manual Product Control
Computers determine the everyday life of many people. MPC – Manual Product Control is a possibility to control the computer in another way. MPC can be uses as an innovative way of presenting in museums or at exposition. Pictures, video clips and 3d object can be controlled and manipulated through gestures.

The Sound of Drawing
The Sound of Drawing converts drawings into sounds and music with no limits for the imagination. The exhibits consist of an overhead projector with an extension for endless transparency. Figures can be drawn on this transparency and a webcam records the pictures. A special software recognizes the drawings and convert them into sounds.

Love of Reading

Love of reading – the travelling exhibition for reading and hearing with six exciting story for four different age groups. From first readers to adults, everybody is able to experience interactive stories and to solve quizzes by using the Ravensburger tiptoi pen.

Partner: Province of Styria, Graz Children’s Museum FRrida und freD, Mit Loidl oder Co., Ravensburger, FH JOANNEUM Informationsmanagement.


Appreciation exhibition

Travelling exhibition
[2016|09 – ongoing]

In cooperation with social innovators and Wertstatt we developed four exhibits for the exhibition “Wertschätzung”.


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