Travelling exhibition: MS Science
An innovative, multimedia information system with the title „How thrombocyte influence our blood?” shows with video clips and animations which roles are played by thrombocytes during injuries and thromboses.

The MS Science visits with an exhibition, which also includes two exhibits developed by FH JOANNEUM, Institute of Information Management in cooperation with the studio Barbara Aussenegg, 30 cities along the German-Austrian waterway with the motto “New Ways in Medicine”. The exhibit with the topic intervertebral disk was developed on behalf of the studio Barbara Aussenegg. The scientific input was provided by Dr. Christine Mannhalter from the Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics (Vienna General Hospital).

Visitors can navigate through the animations and video clips by using a rotatable knob. The multimedia show how thrombocytes make sure, that one doesn’t lose too much blood and that wounds are closed. During an interactive quiz, the knowledge of thrombocytes can be testet.